Florida Drupalcamp is honored to have Kevin Basarab (kbasarab) as its fourth and final featured speaker for FLDC14!
Kevin started out doing web development and SEO for a hotel marketing firm in 2006 before transitioning into full-time Drupal development at the Florida Times-Union newspaper in early 2009. He now works at Mediacurrent as a Senior Drupal Developer, working on many high profile projects within the media industry. Kevin has several Drupal core commits under his belt, as well as maintaining various contrib modules.
Kevin is also a prominent Drupal community coordinator throughout the Southeast. He is a co-organizer of the Jacksonville Drupal Users group, which is celebrating its two-year anniversary in February 2014. He is active in providing support via IRC (kbasarab), and volunteering with core mentoring at DrupalCamps including DrupalCamp Atlanta and Florida DrupalCamp as well as DrupalCon Portland.
Outside of Drupal, Kevin is an advocate for the use of Git Flow in development processes and enjoys cycling, beer brewing, bowling and do-it-yourself projects around the house.